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Classic lobe piercing

A classic earlobe piercing is a popular form of body decoration, in which the soft part of the earlobe is pierced and then an ornament, most often in the form of an earring, is inserted into the resulting hole. This piercing can aesthetically highlight and underline the beauty of the face, giving it an elegant and attractive look. In our studio, we perform classic lobe piercings regularly and with maximum expertise, which allows us to achieve great results and the satisfaction of our customers. Our experienced professionals ensure that the highest hygiene standards are followed to ensure that every piercing is safe and hassle-free.

Classic lobe piercing

Classic lobe piercing price

The price of a piercing in our salon consists of the price for the piercing application service and the price for the jewelry. Some types of piercings will also require a shortening of the jewelry after healing, where only the price of the new jewelry is paid.

Service price

  • 500 CZK

Piercing jewelry price

From CZK 350 to several thousand, we offer titanium jewelry from economy and premium class, and gold jewelry of purity 585 and 735.


gemiddelde waardering 1 uit 5

Contraindications for classic lobe piercing

  • Taking medication (if yes, with medical approval)

  • A lifestyle that does not allow for proper piercing care

  • Skin diseases

  • Dermatitis or other inflammation in the piercing area

  • Tendency to form keloid scars

  • Jaundice

  • HIV

  • Diabetes and insulin dependence

  • Circulatory system disorders or poor blood clotting

  • Allergic reactions

  • Epilepsy

  • Hormone therapy, oncological diseases

  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding

  • Menstruation could be a contraindication, but if you don't have a strong one, some piercings could definitely be done.

  • If you have recently undergone any surgery in the ear area, you should consult your doctor before deciding on a piercing.

Violation of contraindications can have negative effects on your health.

Preparation for a classic lobe piercing

Before the procedure:

  • Sleep well

  • At least eat a little

  • You put on clothes that at the same time would not be a shame to get dirty if a drop of blood got on it, often not even one appears, but it can happen.

Classic lobe piercing procedure

  • Upon arrival at the studio, you will fill in the "Consent to the procedure", which, among other things, will contain contraindications before the classic piercing of the lobe and its subsequent care. The absence of contraindications and compliance with the care procedure recommended by us is one of the important conditions for successful healing of the piercing.

  • Next follows a conversation with the piercer. You will discuss the appropriate placement and jewelry for the classic lobe piercing, which we will put right away and possibly which you will wear afterwards.

  • Piercer prepares a workplace. The chosen piece of jewelery for a classic lobe piercing together with the needle will be sterilized for approx. 10 min. During that time, you will have the opportunity to ask anything and specify the necessary information.

  • After sterilization, the piercer indicates the final injection site for the classic lobe piercing, disinfects the skin, and in a few seconds you will have a new classic lobe piercing.

  • After the piercing, the piercer will treat the classic piercing lobe, take a picture of it, if you agree, apply a patch and once again explain the care of the classic piercing lobe.

Length of healing of a classic lobe piercing

The process of complete healing of a lobe piercing usually takes from 5 to 9 months, sometimes even longer. Complete healing means that the piercing canal is completely covered with new skin.

The healing process of a classic lobe piercing

  • The piercing almost always overflows, so we first give a longer piece of jewelry, which we exchange for a shorter one in about 1-2 months. Otherwise, there is a risk of frequent tripping over the jewelry and subsequent traumatization.

  • Sometimes it needs to be replaced several times during healing, so if you feel that the jewelry is becoming too long and is in the way, you can ask for it to be shortened.

  • When exchanging jewelry for a shorter one, the price of the jewelry is paid according to the current price list, the service is free if it is an initial healing process.

Piercing care

  • Sterilní solný roztok: Pro péči o piercing je zapotřebí sterilní solný roztok, který si můžete koupit u nás nebo v lékárně ve formě sterilní mořské vody pro denní hygienu nosu pro kojence. Na ošetření piercingu nepoužívejte alkohol, peroxid vodíku ani antiseptika (jen v případě nutnosti a omezenou dobu, podle návodu).

  • Četnost ošetření: Ošetřujte piercing 2-3krát denně čistými rukama pomocí vatové tyčinky, vatového tamponu nebo gázy.

  • Odstraňování stroupků: Kolem čerstvého piercingu se tvoří tvrdší stroupky z lymfy a krevní plazmy. Neškrábejte je, ale nejdříve je zvlhčete a až se změkčí, jemně je odstraňte.

  • Stabilita šperku: Během ošetření nehýbejte šperkem, protože to narušuje hojení. V žádném případě nevyndávejte šperk z důvodu čištění. Nedotýkejte se šperku rukama, pokud nejsou umyté nebo dezinfikované. Zabraňte dotyku piercingu s rukama, vlasy, spodním prádlem nebo oblečením.

  • Ochrana před poškozením: Pokud nemáte jistotu, že je piercing dostatečně chráněn před mechanickým poškozením, přelepte jej náplastí. S nezahojeným piercingem je zakázáno navštěvovat bazén, saunu a jiná veřejná koupaliště včetně přírodních.

  • Fyzická aktivita: Během hojení se doporučuje vyhýbat se namáhavým cvičením, při kterých se můžete hodně potit nebo si ublížit čerstvému propichu. Pot spolu s vylučovanými látkami a špínou, která se na něj nalepí, může vést k infekcím a zánětu piercingu. Bezpečně cvičit s piercingem lze, ale opatrně. Po cvičení piercing opláchněte čistou vodou a ošetřete solným roztokem.

  • Problémy s piercingem: Pokud máte problém s piercingem – pálí, bolí nebo hnisá – ihned kontaktujte studio. Pro akutní případy volejte, pro méně akutní případy napište a přiložte fotografii pořízenou za dobrého světla, aby byl vidět problém. Při pořizování fotografie s piercingem buďte velmi opatrní.

  • Imunita: Piercing je mechanické poškození kůže, a proto velkou roli v procesu hojení hraje dobrá imunita. Pečujte o svou imunitu: dostatek spánku, klid, dobré jídlo a procházky na čerstvém vzduchu. Konzumace alkoholu, drog a kouření zhoršují imunitu a následně i proces hojení.

  • Zkrácení šperku: Některé druhy piercingů vyžadují zkrácení šperku po cca 6-12 týdnech. Občas se jedná o několik zkrácení. V našem studiu za službu zkrácení neplatíte, pokud máte piercing od nás. Platí se pouze za šperk.

Restrictions after a classic lobe piercing

  • Do not sleep on the side where you have a fresh lobe piercing.

  • If you have no other option, get a travel pillow, put clean sheets on it and put your ear in the hole when you sleep to avoid pressure on the piercing lobe.

  • Alternatively, you can make a sleeping donut out of a large towel rolled into the desired shape.

  • Avoid visiting saunas, solariums, swimming pools, the sea and other public swimming pools for at least one month.

  • Be careful and avoid any movement, pressure, etc. that would traumatize the fresh lobe piercing.

  • Carefully put on and take off your clothes.

  • Do not touch the piercing with your hands. Remember that dirt and mechanical trauma are the biggest evils for a fresh lobe piercing.

  • Be careful with your hair so that it does not get tangled around the jewelry.

  • Do not remove, rotate or move the jewelry; lobe piercing needs rest.

Problems with classic lobe piercing

After a classic ear piercing, problems can appear from minor to serious, it is important to contact the studio as soon as you feel a problem.

Warning signals can be (individually or in combination):

  • Outfalls.

  • Unpleasant smell.

  • Excessive sensitivity to pain.

  • Severe swelling.

  • Erythema - redness.

  • The piercing and the surrounding skin are hot to the touch.

  • Formation of lumps or pimples near the injection site.

  • Enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck or next to the ears.

and other unusual and unpleasant manifestations.

Gallery of classic lobe piercings

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